

Own Your Power by Bailey Frumen, MSW, LCSW

Rewire Your Anxious Brain by Pittman and Karle

Practicing Mindfulness: 75 Essential Meditations to Reduce Stress, Improve Mental Health, and Find Peace in the Everyday by Matthew Sockolov

The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout, PhD

Stop Caretaking The Borderline or Narcissist: How to End the Drama and Get on with Life by Margalis Fjelstad

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. 

Power of Your Own by Nikki Groom


Self Care Workbook

"Why Self Care isn't Selfish" | Jessica Brubaker

The Five Rules for Self-Care :Being whole and meeting our own emotional and physical needs first, is the only way we will build the world we want to see in the future. BY SHELLY TYGIELSKI


Guided Meditations: UCLA Mindfulness Awareness Research Center

Grief and Loss

Grief For Beginners: 5 Things To Know About Processing Loss by Stephanie O’Neill

Coping with Grief: Guided Spoken Meditation for healing after a loss of a loved one

Loss of a Parent: Adult Grief When Parents Die by Theresa Jackson